Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Massage Continuing Education Classes

Therapeutic massage therapy is one of the many branches of the healing arts. A practitioner of massage therapy uses the hands to massage the body into deep relaxation allowing the release of tension. This also stimulates blood circulation, soothes sore muscles and eases injuries. Those seeking a career in this healing art must first become certified through an accredited program to become licensed in their state of practice. After that, they must take massage continuing education classes to retain their license.

As regulations and guidelines on massage therapy differ from state to state, massage continuing education classes can allow practitioners to stay informed of these regulations as well as any new changes in state and local guidelines that may affect their practice. Although there is a national license that can be obtained for massage therapists, a certain numbers of massage continuing education hours must still be documented with the state in which the therapist practices. Local ordinances, if any, will also need to be followed in order for a massage therapist to practice legally.

The following are examples of points of study that one may find in massage continuing education classes:

* Boundary training: developing a scope of practice that sets boundaries between the healer and the patient
* Ethics: managing clinical dilemmas, reporting abuse, insurance billing
* Licensing: state and local regulations requirements
* Ergonomics: proper techniques and proper equipment
* Shoulder rehabilitation: working with shoulder injuries, sports medicine/massage
* Upper body anatomy: recognizing major muscle groups and structure, tendons and range of movement

Massage continuing education classes are credited in hours and reported to the state board by the accredited program attended by the massage therapist. This ensures that the practitioner is in keeping with the rules and regulations set forth in their state of practice. A massage therapist who is not in keeping with the requirements of their state will have their license to practice terminated.

Massage continuing education classes can be found online and are provided through many accredited and reputable schools and organizations. Online courses provide opportunities for those who practice massage therapy to maintain their licenses with the state board of their residence without having to log their hours in a traditional classroom setting. As the pace of online classes are set by the student, this can be a choice option for the busy professional who wishes to honor licensing requirements without losing time from an already full schedule. Many states also offer the ability to renew a massage therapy license online, allowing the immediate recognition of the therapist�s right to practice.

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Education Career Information About Physical Therapist

Information is knowledge and knowledge is power. Therefore, if it is your desire to become a physical therapist, it is imperative that you get as much information about the education necessary to pursue this career. Education career information about physical therapist opportunities can be found in numerous ways.

A quick Internet search using the words �education career information about physical therapist� revealed over 2 million links! Other means of researching this occupation would be contacting your local Physical Therapy office and asking questions as well as talking with a guidance counselor in high school and/or the nearest college.

Youngsters desiring to work in this field should make Science the biggest part of their high school and college education. Career information about physical therapist skills can also be obtained by volunteering in a physical therapy setting. However, before concerning yourself with the education career information about physical therapist, let us first define the profession.

One of the fastest growing professions within the healthcare industry, physical therapists (PT�s) help patients with injuries as well as limited and permanent disabilities restore function and improve mobility. They also train people in the art of pain management through physical movement. Physical Therapists also help teach and promote overall health and well being through physical fitness.

Researching �education career information about physical therapist� uncovered the fact that a person who desires to become a physical therapist must have a Masters and/or Doctoral degree from an accredited college or university. Although a highly paid profession, individuals wishing to be a physical therapist should be caring and compassionate. They also must possess exceptional people skills in order to teach patients as well as their family members about treatments.

Normal working hours for Physical Therapists are during the day, and in most instances, physical therapists work in a hospital or clinical environment. Physical therapists are also called upon to work with teachers, parents and other healthcare professionals to ensure proper classroom and home environments for children with physical disabilities.

People aspiring to become a Licensed Physical Therapist can often gain invaluable experience and knowledge by working as a physical therapist assistant. A Physical Therapist Assistant is responsible for overseeing much of the actual therapy that is prescribed by the physical therapist. Some duties of a PT Assistant are massages, electrical stimulation and traction.

For more education career information about physical therapist and/or physical therapist assistant positions, contact the American Physical Therapy Association. Other resources for education career information about physical therapist are Special Ed Careers (dot) org, Health Care Monster (dot) com, and Career Planning (dot) com.

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Health Education Career: A World Of Opportunity

People who are thinking about a health education career should know that PE or �Phys. Ed.� is now categorized as Kinesiology. Kinesiology is the study of movement and the effects of movement in the area of health and wellness. Knowledge is power and a person studying for a degree in Kinesiology will gain wisdom in all areas of the body and how movement relates to each. They also receive training in topics like cardiopulmonary resuscitation, health and nutrition, as well as disease prevention.

Of course there�s more to a health education career than just PE and the healthcare industry is one of the largest areas of employment in the world today. Physical therapy, psychology, and medical technician are all examples of jobs available.

Other professions in the healthcare industry are Medical Scientist, Pharmacist, and Chiropractors. In fact, any occupation dealing with mental, physical or emotional aspects of humanity is considered a health education career. Even fields like, medical transcriptions, medical office assistant, and certified nursing assistant fall under this title.

Training is essential when it comes to a health education career. From technical colleges and universities, to online facilities and specialized medical training, there are numerous ways to obtain the knowledge you need and/or the degree necessary for a career.

Health Administration, Geriatric Health, Public Health, Advanced Occupational Studies, Advanced Physician Studies, Health Education and Doctor of Physical Therapy are examples of the types of degrees necessary to obtain a health education career.

There are other forms of careers surrounding health education. A Master of Health Education degree is usually required when someone chooses to do more than work in a health education career. This level of training takes someone from practicing in their chosen field to teaching it. These people are leaders in the health care industry.

Community health as well as environmental health is also very popular today. In order for people to be healthy, the world we live in must be healthy. In the US, government controlled programs like Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are two examples of how the health and well being of our workers as well as the environments we work in are being monitored.

So whether you choose the human or environmental element, benefits of a health education career are far reaching to those who pursue it. Not only do you teach others the importance of maintaining good health, this is information you can use for all the years of your life and pass down for future generations.

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